Saturday, April 4, 2009

Maui - Makena - Big Beach Excursion

Makena - Big Beach Maui - also known as Omeloa


We were out of the office today to actively scope the beach for you folks who have not yet made it to Maui - or have made it to Maui and not scoped the beaches.

Makenas' Big Beach(Omeloa) is at the very south end of Wailea - which is at teh very south end of Kihei - which happens to be the South of Maui!

Well I haven't visited this beach in a while and it lived up to it's awe inspiring reputation as one of the most amazing beaches to visit in Hawaii. The water itself was crystal and I mean crystal clear. I could see the ocean floor from most any where. The waves were very mellow today and not the body slamming forces of nature they can sometimes be. It was tame enough to be swimming along side my 5 and 8 year olds.

Of course where there is Big Beach(Omeloa) there is always Little Beach.(Pu'u 'Ola'i Crater) I do suggest that you proceed with caution over the rock and expect a little (or a lot) of nudity. Not many families on this side but a great spot for adults who are intent on that all over tan!

You are able to get cell phone connection out there - not that you want too - but it did enable me to tweet via to my TwittDeal Twitter account to keep you updated on our Makena Excursion!

As always you are encouraged to slap on the sunscreen and "don" the hat and take lots of water! Have a lot of fun as we did and enjoy your Maui Vacation!

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Talk Soon



  1. Yes, Makena Beach is beauitful! Here's a link to some photos I took from there. Our church, Hope Chapel, usually goes there on Sunday afternoon for some beach volleyball fun! For those who are visiting, just make sure to be careful when the waves are high :)


  2. Yes, Makena Beach is know for a wicked beach pounding south swell shore break. If you are visiting and have children, don't let them get too close to the shore line if you see swells rolling in. The undertoe of the currents can also dangerous for non-swimmers and small kids.
    It is one of the most beautiful Beaches on Maui.
    Great job on your blog!

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